Courtney Webb -
Courtney is a member of the teaching team at Barambah EEC and has been teaching and learning about Barambah for the past 2 years.
Previously I have been a classroom workshop teacher so I feel I am well placed to understand the ups and downs of a “normal school" routine and how we can support and enhance the learning that occurs within a school setting.
Having grown up with parents who were mad about getting into the bush whenever possible, I feel very at home and fortunate to work in this unique place. Every day outside with students is an opportunity to discover and explore the Barambah environment.
It is a cliché but I love seeing students discovering and asking questions about the natural environment. I love it when students find a cicada shell or a shiny rock and for a small moment it is the most valuable thing in the world.
Working, living and teaching at Barambah is certainly challenging at times. Not only do we have to manage the students and visiting staff, but also the invariably blocked toilets, broken doors, waste removal and snakes, or all of the above at 9pm as we are trying to finish off for the day.
Along with the students, our staff explore and learn new skills all the time which keeps us excited about new possibilities. Barambah EEC - I wouldn't be teaching anywhere else.